Vai jūs zināt, cik daudz laika jūsu viedie iekrāvēji pavada, pārvietojoties pa noliktavu? Vai jūsu zināt, kāds ir viedo iekrāvēju dīkstāves laiks? Vai pastāv risinājums, lai optimizētu apkopes biežumu un samazinātu kopējās izmaksas? Tagad pastāv viegls veids, kā pārskatīt un kontrolēt uzņēmuma darbību, lai tā būtu efektīvāka, produktīvāka un drošāka.
Toyota Material Handling noliktavu viedie iekrāvēji, kas iegādāti pēc 2018. gada oktobra, ir iebūvēta telemātika. Toyota ir lielākais viedo iekrāvēju (smart trucks) ražotājs, jo vēlamies piedāvāt tehniku un instrumentus vienkāršai loģistikai. Telemātika kā standarts ļauj vieglu piekļuvi datiem no iekārtas ražošanas brīža. Šādā veidā ir iespējams viegli piekļūt un analizēt no viedo iekrāvēju (smart trucks) iegūtos datus, lai labāk saprastu un uzlabotu uzņēmuma darbību.
Toyota viedie iekrāvēji (Smart Trucks) sniedz pārskatu par darba stundām, to izmantošanu, apkopi un nomas datiem, kā arī nodrošina mobilo servisu. Lai kontrolētu sava uzņēmuma darbību, jūs variet vienkārši piekļūt viedo iekrāvēju (smart trucks) pārskatam. Ir iespējams izsekot viedo iekrāvēju izmantošanai un piefiksēt ekspluatācijas stundas, lai precīzi ieplānotu apkopi, tādējādi ietaupot servisa laiku un izmaksas. Lai iegūtu maksimālu darbspējas laiku, ar lietotnes palīdzību ir iespējama saziņa ar servisu.
Interneta vietnē ir atrodams visu viedo iekrāvēju (smart trucks) pārskats. Apskatiet mērījumus, iekārtu numurus, apkopes un nomas līguma datus.
Sekojiet līdzi darba stundām un pielāgojiet apkopes biežumu, lai paildzinātu viedo iekrāvēju darba mūžu.
Sazinieties ar apkopes komandu, izmantojot internetu vai lietotni, nosūtot attēlu un/vai ziņojumu.
Ar I_Site jūs varat pārraudzīt jūsu viedos iekrāvējus un vadītājus, lai veiktu nepieciešamos uzlabojumus.
Viedos iekrāvējus (Smart trucks) var viegli savienot ar I_Site - Toyota iekārtu pārvaldības sistēmu. Šī tehnoloģija ir vienkārši aktivizējama un tā ļauj pārskatīt jūsu uzņēmuma darbību, kā arī šos datus var izmantot, lai atrastu un risinātu dažādas problēmas. I_Site piedāvā detalizētus ziņojumus, kas ļauj pieņemt pareizus lēmumus un uzlabojumus viedo iekrāvēju izmantošanā, kā arī ļauj pārraudzīt, kuri vadītāji ir sertificēti konkrētam iekārtas veidam. Tāpat arī I_Site ļauj samazināt apkopes nepieciešamību.
Sākot no šodienas, viedie iekrāvēji (smart trucks) palīdzēs nodrošināt jūsu loģistikas nākotni. Jums būs iespēja uzlabot dažādas uzņēmuma jomas, iegūstot un analizējot viedo iekrāvēju (smart trucks) datus. Jūs varēsiet paildzināt jūsu iekārtu darba mūžu un optimizēt viedo iekrāvēju izmantošanas skaitu gada laikā. Tāpat jums būs arī iespēja iegūt alternatīvus tirdzniecības piedāvājumus jūsu uzņēmumam, kā, piemēram, nomas viedos iekrāvējus, kuriem ir piemērots stundas tarifs. Tāpat arī būs iespējams ieplānot apkopi, lai novērstu dīkstāvi.
Pasaulē, kur viss ir savienots, viedie iekrāvēji (smart trucks) sniedz jums informāciju, lai jūs zinātu, ka visu kontrolējat un varat uzlabot uzņēmuma darbību. Jums būs iespēja veikt mērījumus un uzlabojumus pat no attāluma, neraugoties uz to vai jums ir tikai viena vai vairākas iekārtas. Rezultāts? Veiksmīga uzņēmuma darbība, pateicoties efektīvai optimizācijai, nezaudējot enerģiju, laiku un telpu.
A smart truck is a forklift that is connected thanks to hardware that allows data to be transmitted. You can connect all forklift trucks within your fleet, collect the data from each truck, and of course get an easy overview of all activity within your business.
Smart trucks are equipped with a telematics device which communicates online to a web server and provides customers with vital information on how their trucks perform. Connecting, monitoring and analysing the activity of smart trucks all has the same end goal: to optimise efficiency in your business, reducing your total cost of ownership (TCO) and improving your return on investment (ROI).
Warehouse trucks from Toyota Material Handling that are ordered since 1 October 2018 are delivered with integrated telematics. The reason behind installing the telematics hardware as standard during production is that all data from the moment of production of the truck can be instantly available for you analyse and compare the data and behaviour of all trucks. This allows you to have full control over your truck fleet and improve your operations in the areas you wish to, for example in safety or productivity.
How does it work?
The hardware of a Toyota smart truck consists of a DHU2+ data handling unit with transmission device, an antenna, and a shock sensor, as well as a keypad. Smart trucks are built with telematics hardware already integrated in the truck during production. This offers the possibility of the truck being connected, but the telematics software still needs to be activated. Upgrading to I_Site does not require any installation on-site: it is a mobile solution allowing connectivity around the globe, making it user-friendly and cost-efficient.
When connected, the data generated from the smart trucks from Toyota is transmitted directly from the truck to a central database, where the information can be accessed via a web portal or mobile app. This is done via the I_Site application, the fleet management system created by Toyota over ten years ago and continually developed. Within this portal, activity levels of all trucks are recorded, creating data that is ready to be analysed. This data can be accessed and used for fleet management.
Smart truck users will be provided with access to a fleet list via the I_Site portal, showing details of all smart trucks that Toyota has delivered to that site. The fleet list is extracted from the 'MyFleet' facility, but excluding service and cost reports. It will, however, include hour meter readings for all Toyota smart trucks in the fleet, which allows you to monitor utilisation levels. This facility is included as standard. The fleet list also shows additional fleet management information such as service and rental contract data, and fleet numbers.
Even if you choose not to subscribe to full I_Site information immediately, you will have the benefit of knowing that activity levels are being recorded, building valuable analytics data for future fleet management and predictive servicing. We will be working closely with all of our customers, to build solutions that reflect their exact requirements, with a menu of additional information channels becoming available.
Read more about the opportunities when upgrading to I_Site >
Smart trucks provide you with the right information to make sure you are in total control of your operation, and even allow you to take action from a distance if necessary. Whether you are a one-truck customer or have a big fleet of forklift trucks across multiple sites globally. For a maximum value-added operation with extreme optimisation, and zero waste in energy, time and space as a result.
You can have an easy overview of your smart trucks on site in a fleet list, with details such as meters running, fleet numbers, service and rental contract data. This way you can make sure you're in total control of your operations and can optimise certain areas if necessary.
Truck utilisation can also be tracked with an easy overview of the operating hours of the smart trucks, indicating when maintenance is due based on the amount of hours run. Tailoring your service intervals to the use of your trucks, for longer lifecycle of your equipment.
For quick and easy service of your smart trucks, you can get in touch with your service team via the web portal or app, by sending a picture and/or a message. For a quick service response bringing the support your truck needs.
Smart trucks are equipped with telematics hardware to connect easily to I_Site, the application that allows you to monitor trucks utilisation and driver behaviour. With one simple click the technology can be activated which allows you to monitor your operations and use this data to improve the areas you wish to.
Since the telematics hardware is built into warehouse trucks from Toyota as standard, these forklifts are available as smart trucks at no extra cost. This means you will have an overview of all trucks in your operations, as well as their operating hours.
If you wish to get the most out of your smart trucks and access all the information the telematics system is able to provide you, then upgrading is an option. With a small monthly subscription you can access the full functionality of I_Site fleet management, without any additional installation of hardware.
When upgrading, an activation charge per truck and subscription rate per truck per month is included.
If you wish to add certain options, you can request a truck with the following below listed functions, which require additional hardware against a small fee.
- Pre-operational check: only allows the truck to start after a complete safety check of the truck has been performed by the driver.
- Smart access: lets an authorised driver start the truck using their existing badge.
- MyFleet package: a summary report with your machines' performance, based on telematics and Toyota internal systems.