Order picking is a labour-intensive process that is found in most large warehouses, on production sites or at e-commerce facilities. Toyota offers a wide range of trucks to assist with order picking, from ground level all the way up to 12.1 m picking height. To ensure safe and ergonomic working conditions for the operators, all Toyota BT Optio order pickers have been designed with comfort, safety and performance in mind.
Order picking is an intensive application that is found in most large warehouses, production sites or e-commerce facilities. Toyota offers a wide range of forklifts to assist with order picking, from ground level all the way up to 12.1 m picking height. To ensure safe and ergonomic working conditions for the operators, all Toyota order pickers have been designed with comfort, safety and performance in mind.
When picking smaller, lightweight items in a parts centre or e-commerce facility, a compact and manoeuvrable order picking truck is the right choice. The Toyota BT Optio N-series is ideal to support order pickers throughout the day because they are easy to operate and easy to connect to all kinds of trolleys.
Variety of trolleys
Intuitive controls
Compact design
Quick battery exchange
Easy docking station
The Toyota BT Optio L-series trucks ensure high productivity by being powerful, efficient, adaptable, and easy to use. A wide range of model configurations means the exact specification can be found to cover the demands of your operation, whether picking at first or second level, and to perfect the man-machine interaction and improve overall efficiency.
The BT Optio OSE250, the ideal workhorse for the fast-moving goods industry
Platform lift to reach second level
Walk-through version to pick bulkier goods
Low level order picker with mast to combine order picking and replenishment activities
Pick to pallet from ground level with lifting forks for a more ergonomic work setup
Many storage compartments to carry small items and integrated shrink film holder
E-man steering enables sideway operating
Our low level order picking trucks can be equipped with our remote drive feature, called t-mote, to:
The solution
The Toyota BT Optio M & H-series accommodates picking up to 12.1 metres and is suited to a wide variety of applications, including distribution of food, household appliances, parts, and pharmaceuticals. The range is built around the operator with an excellent man-machine interface, offers great stability at elevated heights and sets the standard in high-level order picking.
High level order pickers for goods picking up to 12.1 m
Spacious cabin with a choice of controls to suit driver preferences
Wire/rail guidance and free operating possible
LED lights in overhead guard for safer operation
Walk-through versions for bulky loads
BT Optipace ensures maximum speed can be obtained without compromising on safety in guided applications
Poiesz recently received new order pickers with a lithium-ion energy package from Toyota. With the purchase of the new OSE250P trucks, Poiesz opts for a more efficient use of space in the distribution centre in Sneek and better ergonomics for the drivers.
For its e-commerce clients, the logistics company Ecologistics provides fulfilment services, which means that the company is fully responsible for goods storage, receiving and handling orders and distributing goods to customers on behalf of particular e-shops. Since 2020, they rely on Toyota’s BT Optio high-level order picker OME100H and BT Vector VNA trucks.
Order pickers are forklift trucks mainly used to carry and transport items that are picked by the operator on a pallet or roll cage to the marshalling area. Often seen in warehouses storing fast-moving goods to fulfil orders, or in parts areas to feed production
There are specific models to support level picking, with the option to elevate the forks for more ergonomic picking. Order pickers with elevating platform can take operators to 2.8 m for first and/or second level picking. For picking at higher heights, Toyota has a wide range of medium to high-level order pickers with picking heights up to 12.1 m. This range can be chosen with rail/wire guidance or free operation to operate in narrow aisles.
You should consider a few things when purchasing an order picker:
Toyota’s medium to high-level order pickers come with different guidance systems:
Cold store operations are one of the toughest working environments. Sub-zero temperatures affect your trucks’ battery capacity, electronics and lubrication. Toyota offers dedicated cold store order picker trucks to ensure uptime in these applications. Get in touch with our sales experts for advice.