Toyota Traigo24 on äärmiselt kompaktne ja mõeldud kasutamiseks ka kõige kitsamates kohtades. Need juhisõbralikud tõstukid tunnevad ennast koduselt tehastes, ladudes ja kauplustes. 24-voldiste elektriliste vastukaalutõstukite suurus ja paindlikkus muudavad need ideaalseks lahenduseks kõikvõimalike tõstetööde jaoks.
For occasional loading of lorries, the Traigo24 is up for the job. With the low overhead guard option (1980 mm roof height), the vehicle is also well suited for low-ceiling areas such as containers.
In manufacturing sites, the compact 24-volt trucks can support the assembly line feeding. Easy to control and manoeuvre, operators will enjoy this truck.
Thanks to its compact design, Traigo24 is perfect for goods handling in tight spaces and confined areas, storing pallets in warehouses or unloading lorries.
The well-supporting seat and the excellent view of the load offers confident driving and load handling.
The new design enables better visibility forward, thanks to the new lower dashboard, with all features included in the display that is easy to reach.
Thanks to Lithium-ion batteries, Traigo24 allows for quick and easy opportunity charging. Avoid battery changes while keeping your truck’s high performing throughout the shift.