Toyota disain

Toyota disainkeskuses teeme me toored ideed Toyota kahveltõstukiteks ja laosisustuseks, keskendudes uuenduslikkusele, kvaliteedile, tõhususele, kasutajasõbralikkusele ja säästlikkusele. Inspireerituna ühelt poolt Toyota väärtustest ja teiselt poolt tööstussuundumustest, disainime materjalikäitluslahendusi oma kliente silmas pidades.
Toyota design team in action

Our design center

Innovative product design is a full-time discipline and means our pallet trucks and forklifts constantly evolve.

Our design centre is a creative and dynamic environment with dedicated professionals who are eager to move the world of material handling into the future. Our designs are not just about aesthetics, they also provide the perfect balance between  safety, durability, productivity, driveability and simplicity; Toyota's core value. These values are paramount to the design process and are ultimately expressed in the form and function of the final product.


Toyota Logistic Design Competition

Our approach to design is simple. We constantly welcome new talents, explore fresh visions and encourage open minds. 

Our quest for tomorrow's solutions inspired to launch the Toyota Logistic Design Competitions for students. Staying ahead of the times is only possible thanks to our daily search for the freshest and most forward-thinking designers of material handling equipment. 

Circular economy – Every little bit counts 

The challenge for this edition is to come up with ideas for how circular economy principles can be applied to logistics. Where waste is brought down to a minimum, and resources are used to create as little negative impact on the environment as possible. Ultimately, of course, your ideas, inventions and solutions are all about improving people’s lives. 

More about the competion

Disainiajaloo pidepunktid

Shadows of a Swarm truck

Innovatsioon ja tulevikutehnoloogia

Nutikas ja ökonoomne logistika annab teile kaasaegsed lahendused ja näitab meie tulevikuvisiooni.

Lugege lähemalt >

Driver using BT Optio for order picking

Meie tootevalik

Vaadake kogu meie toodete valikud, mis sisaldab vastukaalutõstukeid, lükandmastiga tõstukeid, alusesiirdajaid ja komplekteerimistõstukeid.

Rohkem infot >>

Smiling people in Toyota truck factory

Meie ajalugu

Meil on enam kui 100 aastat ühendatud materjalikäitluse kogemust. Vaadake meie ajaloo tipphetki!

Lugege lähemalt >

Naeratavad inimesed kontoris

Liituge meeskonnaga

Toodete ja töömeetodite pidevaks parendamsieks on oluline töötada koos inimestega, kes suhtuvad logistikasse ja tehnoloogiasse sama kirglikult kui meie.

Rohkem infot >>

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