Toyota Logistic Design Competition 2022 is looking for inspired solutions for urban micrologistics

Organised every two years by Toyota Material Handling Europe Design Center, the 2022 edition of the Toyota Logistic Design Competition is co-organised with Toyota´s European Design Studio, Toyota Europe Design Development. The competition is now open to design students worldwide. The challenge is: Shorter supply chains, greater precision, more flexibility and less environmental impact in cities.

More than half of the world’s population live in urban areas. In Europe, the proportion is over eighty per cent. Supplying all these people with the things they need is a huge undertaking. In the Paris region alone, some 4.3 million deliveries are made every week.

Cities are getting more and more congested, and cars are increasingly banned in main centres. There is also a strong focus on combatting pollution. For the Toyota Logistic Design Competition 2022, the challenge for students is to dive into the enormous issues involved in urban micrologistics and suggest ways of dealing with the rising problems as well as improving expediency.

“We started with just 132 registrations during our first design competition back in 2014, but that grew to nearly 2,500 registrations last time” says Magnus Oliveira Andersson, Head of Design at Toyota Material Handling Europe. “I am very excited about teaming up with our design colleagues from Toyota Motor Europe. One common challenge we see in front of us is to find a solution for a more sustainable society. Last-mile delivery continues to be a huge challenge, therefore “Urban micrologistics” became our theme for this year.”

“We are delighted to have been involved in the development of this new edition of the competition, which is the result of close collaboration with TMH's creative teams. “comments Laurent Bouzige, Chief Designer Strategy & Mobility, Toyota Europe Design Development. “For this edition we wanted to break the silos that too often separate the automotive and logistics worlds, to rethink and question the mobility of goods, services and people in a holistic and systemic way. We look forward to discovering new ideas, innovative and disruptive approaches and co-create the new mobility of tomorrow.”

The competition opens now and welcomes all submissions that reflect the Toyota heritage and brand. The deadline for submissions is 19th October 2021, after which a panel of professionals working around design and innovation within the Toyota Group will evaluate them and determine the finalists.

All finalists will get feedback from the jury towards the end of November and a chance to rework their proposals for the final jury session. Experts and industry leaders will make the final decision and select the winners of the competition.

Additionally, they will be awarded with cash prizes and have the opportunity to apply for a six-month paid internship at the Toyota Material Handling Design Center (Sweden/Italy) as well as Toyota Europe Design Development (France). To find more information and enter the competition, visit the Toyota Logistic Design Competition page.

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