The BT Tyro powered pallet trucks are ideal for occasional light-duty work. They will make moving goods around in shops, small industries and warehouses more ergonomic and quicker. Discover how below.
Thanks to its small turning radius and compact design, the BT Tyro allows for easy manoeuvring in tight spaces. The 2 castor wheels on the sides ensuring stability during pallet movement.
This light-duty truck with 180° steering angle offers smooth and safe movement. The low weight of the BT Tyro makes it very easy to manoeuvre thanks to the low pressure on the drive wheel.
This truck comes with a maintenance-free lithium-ion battery for fast and easy charging ensuring high availability and flexibility.
The creep speed functionality allows for easy movement in tight areas. The reduced speed when cornering ensures enhanced safety when transporting goods around your application.
The BT Tyro stacker trucks are designed for occasional stacking. A great support for low-intensity applications in confined areas such as small shops and companies.
Clean design of mast and low chassis offer excellent view through the mast and to the load.
The 180° steering angle enables smooth and easy manoeuvring and ensures safe handling.
The charger is built into the truck for easy connection to a power socket. With the 60Ah Li-ion battery and the 25A charger the charging of the battery takes about 2.5 hours.
All BT Tyro trucks are equipped with PIN code to start up the truck. This enables easy access and prevents unauthorised use of the truck.
Käsitsi juhitavate kahvelkärudega saab liigutada kaupu kõikvõimalikes rakendustes. Need on töökindlad, kompaktsed, intuitiivselt kasutatavad ja teevad oma töö ära. Millal võiks aga võtta kasutusele mootoriga kahveltõstuki või virnastaja? Toome välja neli kaalutlust, millal tasub otsustada meie BT Tyro mudelite kasuks.
Mootoriga tõstukite abil saab kaupu kiiremini ja operaatorile väiksema vaevaga liigutada, mis suurendab tõhusust ja tootlikkust.
Käsitsi juhitavad kahvelkärud ei vaja laadimist ja neid saab kasutada pidevalt. Tänu BT Tyro liitiumioonakule on võimalik igal ajal laadida, mis tähendab, et tõstukit saab laadida iga kord, kui seda ei kasutata. Peaaegu katkematu töö on võimalik tagada vaid 15-minutiliste laadimistega.
Mootoriga algtaseme tõstukid võimaldavad teha kergeid töid sujuvalt, kiiresti ja operaatorit vähe koormates. Lihtsalt kasutatav juhtsang toetab operaatorit tõstmisel ja juhtimisel.
Kahvelkärud on hõlpsasti ligipääsetavad – mistahes isik võib neid kasutada. Mootoriga tõstuki puhul saate käepidemel sisestatava PIN-koodi abil tagada, et tõstukit saavad juhtida ainult volitatud juhid. Käepidemel asuv hädaseiskamisnupp suurendab ohutust veelgi.
Mootoriga mudelitel on saadaval sellised funktsioonid nagu roomamisrežiim, mis hõlbustab liikumist kitsastes kohtades ja vähendab kiirust kurvides.
The initial investment of a light-duty powered model is higher than a manual truck. But you’ll get a lot of benefits in return, and the flexibility of a powered truck.
When more power is needed and you require forklifts that can handle more intense applications, we have a wide range of medium- to high-duty pallet trucks available. This range can be fitted with lead-acid or li-ion batteries and is also available as coldstore version. Check out our most popular models.
Lihtne ja kiire Li-ion aku vahetus ja laadimine.
PIN koodiga käivutus tagab ohutuse.
Kiiruse vähendamine kurvides ohutuks tööks.
Kompaktsus ja manööverdamisvõime sobivad paljudesse väikese intensiivusega kasutuskohtadesse.
Clear view through the mast to the load.
Reduction of speed in corners for safer operation.
Easy and quick lithium-ion battery charge with built-in charger.
Creep speed with vertical tiller arm for safer manoeuvring in tight areas.
Entry-level powered pallet or stacker trucks like the BT Tyro allow to move goods quicker and smoother. They also improve ergonomics, safety and give more flexibility.
For occasional use on ramps both our BT Tyro LHE130 and LHE155 are suitable. For steeper gradients we recommend to use the LHE155 for an extra push. The entry level stacker SHE100 is suited for even floors.
All models in the BT Tyro range come with li-ion technology. Depending on model and application the battery can last a different number of hours and needs a few hours to charge. A second battery can be ordered as option for the LHE-models.
No, the recommended temperature range is between +5°C and +40°C.
We offer a 12-month/1000 working hours (whichever comes first) warranty for BT Tyro units sold in your market, provided that all the maintenance conditions have been duly followed by the customer and performed by trained technicians, as detailed in the operator manual.
The BT Tyro comes with a competitive price. Financing options can be discussed. Contact our sales experts for more information.