Vastukaalutõstuk on ideaalne lahendus raskemate koormate käsitsemisel. Tööpõhimõte seisneb kahvlitel asetseva koorma ning tõstuki tagaosa raskuse omavahelises tasakaalustamises, mis suurendab stabiilsust ja juhi ohutust. Tootevalikus olevad elektrilised CB-d on saadaval erineva aku võimsusega ning tõstevõimega kuni 8 t. Kuna seadmed töötavad aku jõul, sobivad need ideaalselt nii sise- kui ka välistingimuses kasutamiseks.
We will help you find the best electric counterbalanced forklift for your business, with the help of the following steps:
Take the guide and find out which electric truck is your best match!
Our electric 3 and 4-wheel forklifts are perfect for smooth load handling, indoors and outdoors. The Traigo range offers high performance, excellent all-round visibility, easy manoeuvrability and is intuitive and easy to drive.
Toyota SAS is fitted as standard on the entire Toyota Traigo family. SAS actively contributes to workplace safety by protecting your operators, your goods and trucks while reducing operational cost.
Want to increase safety in your warehouse? Your new counterbalanced forklift can be equipped with our Operator Assist System SEnS+ (Smart Environment Sensor), for optimising material handling safety whilst minimising the risk of incidents and damage costs.
How it works:
Our full electric forklift range comes with a choice of energy solutions to suit their operation and preferences: lead-acid batteries or lithium-ion ones.
Lithium-ion battery technology has become a popular power source as it delivers maximum power all the time, is 30% more energy efficient and allows for opportunity charging.
Our experience testifies to reliability as we have assembled thousands of lithium-ion batteries in-house. One more advantage of using modular batteries is the increased flexibility when designing a truck. The Traigo_i is designed around the driver for class-leading comfort.
Here we have gathered frequent questions and answers about electric counterbalanced trucks to help you find your next electric truck.
Elektritõstukite mõned paljudest eelistest on:
Jah, kuna elektritõstukitel puuduvad kahjulikud heitgaasid, siis võibb neid kasutada nii sise- kui välistingimustes.
Lao- ja tootmisruumides on üldjuhul tasased nin siledad põrandad, mida saab hoida puhtana kasutades mittemäärivaid rehve. Eriti oluline on see kõrgendatud hügieeni nõuetega kasutuskohtades nagu toidu- ja farmaatsiatööstus.
Kindlasti võib elektriliste vastukaalutõstukitega töötada nii sise- kui välistingimustes. Välistingimuste jaoks on vaja vastupidavat ja stabiilset tõstukit, mis suudab töötada erinevates tingimustes:
4-rattaline elektritõstuk kinnise kabiiniga on stabiilne ja kaitseb tõstukijuhti ka märgades tingimustes töötamisel.
Ebatased või kahjustatud põrandad muudavad sõitmise ebamugavaks ja võivad põhjustada koorma libisemist. Hoides põrandad heas korras suureneb tootlikkus ja tõstukijuhtide mugavus ning vähenevad kulud.
Jah, kaldpindadel tuleb olla eriti ettevaatlik. Koormaga sõites peab koorem olema alati ülesmäge ning samal ajal tuleb olla ohutus kauguses kallaku äärest, et vältida ümberminekut.
Toyota elektritõstukid on saadaval järgmiste akudega:
Li-ion akusid saab laadida igal hetkel, kui tõstukit ei kasutata, näiteks puhkepauside ajal. Happeakudel on samas piiratud hulk laadimistsükleid ja need tuleb alati ühe korraga täis laadida nin mitte lasta tühjeneda alla 20%.
Loads come in different sizes. Length and width help you define the right load carrier. The longer the load, the larger the load centre. The load dimensions may affect the lift capacity of your forklift and limitations in aisle width.
Külgnihe on laialt kasutatav tõstukite lisaseade, mis võimaldab kahvleid liigutada paremale või vasakule ilma tõstukiga manööverdamata, muutes sellega töö kiiremaks. Külgnihe mõjutab tõstuki tõstevõimet ja töökoridori laiust.
Pallet overhang occurs when goods are larger than the pallet. This can cause load damage. The right size of load carrier or better goods placement on the pallet will improve the handling by forklift.
Calculation differs depending on the model; the specifications that need to be taken into account to calculate the aisle width (Ast) are:
Vahekoridori laius on minimaalne ruum, mida tõstukil on vaja, et pöörata riiulite vahel risti kauba riiulisse panemiseks või sealt võtmiseks.
A great benefit of 3-wheel forklifts is their manoeuvrability, thanks to a shorter turning radius. Comparing a Toyota 3-wheel with a 4-wheel 48 V model, the difference in turning radius is about 140mm. Going for a compact 3-wheel, will reduce the turning radius even further by about 100 mm.
Aisle width data is mentioned in the data sheet of each forklift, allowing to compare models and find the best match for your operation.
The extra 200 mm safety margin will help to ensure the operator has enough space to turn safely in the aisle.
To know maximum lift height, find out the height of the highest racking beam and add 150-200 mm to give the operator some extra manoeuvring space to place the load.
A forklift truck will state its load capacity, or nominal capacity. This is calculated as the maximum weight it can raise to a pre-determined height, when its load centre is at a certain point. The load centre is the horizontal distance from the vertical face of the forks to the centre of gravity of the load. Standard load centres vary depending on the nominal capacity of the forklift, and will be one of the following:
A forklift truck’s load capacity or nominal capacity is calculated as the maximum weight it can raise to a pre-determined height, when its load centre is at a certain point. If the load needs to be lifted above that height, or the load centre is further away, then the capacity will be lowered. That’s what residual capacity is: the actual lifting ability in a given situation, which may be less than the nominal capacity.
Either the forklift roof height or collapsed mast height will define which is the lowest height it can go under. Pay attention, when the forks are raised with a non free-lift mast, the inner mast section will lift as soon forks go up, influencing the lowest passing point.
Forklift attachments add extra weight and extend the load distance, reducing the load capacity.
Working in dust or wet environment might affect the proper functioning of forklifts and require more frequent servicing and repair. Trucks with high level of dust- and water protection are recommended for these environments.
To run several shifts, you need a forklift for intensive use with little time to refill. Electric counterbalanced trucks are clean and productive machines for indoor and outdoor use. In combination with lithium-ion batteries, they can be recharged quickly at any time, to keep going.
For working in hazardous or explosive environments, explosion proof forklifts should be used. The truck is adapted so no components can create sparks.
Cold store operations are one of the toughest working environments. Sub-zero temperatures affect your trucks’ battery capacity, electronics and lubrication. To prevent breakdown and repair costs, dedicated cold store trucks are highly recommended. Depending on the model, the trucks are additionally fitted with components such as cold store oil, stainless steel axles...
When selecting a forklift truck, you should verify if the model is capable of operating on the gradients you have on your site. The gradeability rating can be found in the truck’s data sheet. The maximum gradeability is the maximum grade a forklift can climb for a short period. Not only the ability to climb a slope is important, but also safely descending it when loaded.