How does integrated telematics on a smart truck contribute to a better service for maximum uptime?

With a smart truck you will be able to have more planned and efficient service. In the future, we will be able to change our business model completely in function of the customer needs, to advise and support you in the best way thanks to data provided by telematics.

Connectivity is key to efficient forklift service, and is one of the values of the Toyota Service Concept, our service approach based on the Toyota Production System. Thanks to this lean approach to service, we can offer better planning, more added value and less muda (waste). Improving the overall efficiency of your logistics operations.

Via I_Site you are also able to directly request a service via the app. You can get in direct contact with a service team, and even add a picture and/or a message. Service cost data is also available, connecting to Toyota's service data systems.

Telematics can also be used to prepare and support technicians in a better way. Our focus is on how innovation and connectivity can improve service for our customers as well as our technicians.

Among the benefits is the possibility to connect it with Toyota's new mobile service platform for technicians, T-Stream. This service tool can integrate the data from connected trucks to the service technician, improving service efficiency. Allowing streamlined servicing of connected trucks, with remote updates and activity-based maintenance, resulting in lower downtime and overall cost.

Field technicians who are armed with real-time insights can ensure factory equipment operates correctly and efficiently, which results in lower repair costs. Soon, smart trucks will provide technicians with the possibility to service equipment before a customer even knows they need it. By identifying technical issues before they even happen customers will experience higher machine utilisation and elimination of downtime.

In the future, we will be able to change our business model completely in function of the customer needs, to advise and support you in the best way thanks to data provided by telematics. Connected trucks will also allow Toyota to move towards predictive service, repairing your trucks before anything can happen, aiming for zero breakdowns.

Gudrie iekrāvēji no Toyota

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Buy a smart truck

From now all of our warehouse trucks are connected with integrated telematics. Check them out in our online shop.

Loģistika ar viedajiem iekrāvējiem

Iepazīsti savienojamības lomu iekraušanas biznesa nākotnē.

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Kādas funkcijas padara iekrāvēju gudru?

Kas ir gudrais iekrāvējs no Toyota un kādas ir tā funkcijas?

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autopilot Toyota

Automātiskie risinājumi

Mūsu automātisko iekrāvēju klāsts piedāvā elastīgus un advancētus risinājumus efektīvākai un taupīgakai kravu pārvietošanai.

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Nākotnes tehnoloģijas

Viedās loģistikas un „Logiconomi” risinājumi, kas ļauj īstenot mūsu nākotnes redzējumu.

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Manager looking at I_Site on iPad

I_Site autoparka vadība

I_Site savieno jūsu iekrāvēju autoparku, apkopo datus un sniedz jums pārskatu, kas notiek un pastāsta, kā optimizēt jūsu operācijas.

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Servisa tehniķis


Mūsu servisa plāni nodrošina jūsu biznesa nepārtrauktu darbību, un palīdz jums maksimāli izmantot tehnikas iespējas, lai jūs varētu plānot savu darbību ar pilnu pārliecību!

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