
Meie tõstukid on kasutusel praktiliselt igal tegevusalal ja keskkonnas. Tootmine on tegevusala, kus saame kindlasti abiks olla. Toyota Industries Corporation enda juured on samuti tootmises. Oleme uhked, et saame alati pakkuda parimat lahedust, mis aitab tagada tootmise sujuva toimimise.

Solutions available

Tow train transporting parts in car factory

Tow tractors to transport individual items, just in time

  • Pedestrian, rider or stand-on tow tractors
  • Capacity up to 49t
  • Load carrier exactly fitting your load

T-motion is Toyota's approach to towing. With our T-motion range of Tracto trucks and a large selection of roll cages, you will be able to transport your individual parts to feed your line, just in time.

Learn more about towing tractors >

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) for efficient point-to-point transport or replenishment 

Automated guided vehicles are ideal to use for your repetitive flows. The Autopilots from Toyota can take care of the replenishment of the assembly lines and picking areas or bringing goods from station to stationThis lean way of pallet movement helps to eliminate waste.  


Find out more about automated solutions > 

Special solutions truck in warehouse

Special solutions to fit your individual needs

  • Adaptations from all truck models
  • Individual requirements
  • Produced according to TPS principles

Your challenges are unique and may therefore require a unique solution to gain maximum efficiency. Every day a dedicated team of skilled engineers is working to offer you the exact solution to fit your individual situation.

Get inspired by our special trucks >

Naine istub laptopiga laua taga

Tõstukite finantseerimine

Meie lai finantseerimislahenduste valik tagab teile meelerahu, et saaksite keskenduda oma põhitegevusele.

Rohkem infot >

Driver using BT Optio for order picking

Meie tootevalik

Vaadake kogu meie toodete valikud, mis sisaldab vastukaalutõstukeid, lükandmastiga tõstukeid, alusesiirdajaid ja komplekteerimistõstukeid.

Rohkem infot >>

Service technician servicing a Toyota truck


Meie hoolduspaketid sobituvad täpselt teie äriga, ükskõik kui suur on kasutatav tõstukipark.

Rohkem infot >

Toyota Tootmissüsteem (TPS)

Kasutame efektiivset Lean tootmissüsteemi tootes tõstukeid ainult vastavalt tellimustele.

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