Lean assessment

The ideal starting point of your lean journey is to have your current status and condition assessed and reviewed. This needs to be done by a lean expert that knows which steps to take and can advise in which order this should happen ideally.

We perform the lean assessment together with you at your site during the course of 5 days. During the assessment we analyse the performance of your flows, your leadership, as well as the people who represent the core foundation of your lean system.

Our assessment is based on the genchi genbutsu approach, and requires your close cooperation throughout the complete process, requiring one of your employees to be involved at all times to work together with us. 'Genchi genbutsu' means going to the source and seeing for yourself. During our assessment that means focusing on your gemba processes, as we believe that the value is created there.

The following elements are key to the project:

- Flow: Your material and information flow will be analysed to determine your lead time, muda (waste), material stagnation, bottle necks, etc. Therefore we will measure several of your processes in order to obtain the actual and correct data, such as lead times, cycle times, takt times, setup times, process fluctuation, etc.

- Leadership & management: A successful lean implementation always starts with management commitment. That's why we will join and observe you in your usual way of managing your processes, such as during daily meetings, management boards, daily work participation, etc. In combination with interviewing key people in your organisation, such as your top and middle management, support functions, operators, etc. this will give us an excellent view on your current leadership & management situation.

- People: during lean implementation our motto is "the people in the centre". Lean projects often stop before being finalised due to lack of people engagement. Lean is teamwork from step 1 and requires the people who execute the processes to be involved to guarantee successful implementation.

After the assessment has been conducted, we will provide you with a report describing the potential identified to be improved. As part of the assessment, we also recommend which next steps are required to reach your ultimate goal, your true north vision. If you also want our support with the implementation process, we will happily guide you according to our recommendation. You can read more about our approaches to support our customers implementation.

If you wish to receive more information about this module, or simply get in contact with one of the lean experts, please fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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