obrīd tiek izvēlēti trešā Toyota Logistic Design konkursa un pirmā Toyota Logistic Engineering Challenge konkursa finālisti, bet Toyota Material Handling jau no 2014. gada organizē studentu konkursus
"Mēs esam sākuši šos konkursus, lai mudinātu jaunos talantus radīt svaigas idejas, vadīt viņus un pat dot viņiem iespēju izjust, kā tas darbojas materiālu apstrādes biznesā. Šīs iniciatīvas noteikti bagātina mūsu izpratni par nākotnes tendencēm un klientu vajadzībām, kas mūs iedrošināja pievienoties FEM, organizējot šo konkursu nozares līmenī, "saka Matiass Fišers, Toyota Material Handling Europe prezidents un izpilddirektors.
Tāpēc Toyota Material Handling Europe aicina visus Eiropas universitāšu studentus piedalīties konkursā „Smart Logistics Challenge”. Vislabākie un spilgtākie jaunie prāti ir laipni gaidīti, lai labāk iepazītos ar materiālu apstrādes nozari, e-komercijas veicinātāju un Industry 4.0, un sasniegtu kopējo mērķi "piegāde rīt".
Smart Logistics Challenge aicina studentus risināt vienu no trim gadījumu pētījumiem: e-komercijas, Cobotika Loģistikā 4.0 vai Loģistika koplietošanas ekonomikā – jomās, kam nepieciešama uz nākotni vērsta un uz risinājumiem vērsta pieeja.
Smart Logistics Challenge aicina studentus risināt vienu no trim gadījumu pētījumiem: e-komercijas, Cobotika Loģistikā 4.0 vai Loģistika koplietošanas ekonomikā – jomās, kam nepieciešama uz nākotni vērsta un uz risinājumiem vērsta pieeja.
The competition is open to both engineering and business students, as companies increasingly require a holistic mindset and diverse skill set from their people in order to stay competitive.
“We believe it is our duty as an industry association to make sure young people know about the exciting opportunities on offer in the world of material handling,” explains Christophe Lautray, FEM President. “Since we are not a consumer industry, it is harder to reach this important group. Yet today’s students represent the future of everything we do – which is why I have made engaging with young talent a priority of my mandate as FEM President. And I believe a competition is an extremely fun and engaging way to do it.”
Entries will be accepted from 15 December until 30 March. 30 finalists will go on to the next round, where they will be mentored by industry experts in order to move their concepts to completion.
The six winners will receive a paid traineeship with one of the partner companies, plus a VIP invitation to the FEM Congress – the leading European congress of the material handling industry. An awards ceremony will shine a spotlight on their achievements in front of industry leaders, while special events like the CEO lunch, gala dinner and cultural tour will make this trip a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to put the students on the fast track for a successful career in this dynamic industry.