Service Skills Contest 2024

On March 7th, 2024, the local pan-Baltic Service Skills Contest was organised by Toyota Material Handling Baltic with an aim to identify the best technician in two nominations Warehouse (WH) and Counterbalance (CB) trucks.

Almost 70 technicians from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania applied to compete, making it a great success. Winners in nominations will go to France, where they will participate in the European Service Skills Contest Championship with a chance to win a trip to Japan.
All technicians regularly trained through the Service Technician Education Programme (STEP) training, were invited to measure their knowledge by joining the competition.

A jury made of service and product trainers evaluated all technicians on different aspects: the theoretical part of the contest tested their knowledge in Product, Special Design and Normatives. The practical part focused on various skills of the technicians: not only maintenance, troubleshooting and software, but also safety, tidiness, their behavior towards the customer and how they applied the values of the Toyota Service Concept (TPS).

All technicians received a personal trophies and excited a team spirit during this event.

Thanks to our field and workshop technicians for their daily efforts to make our customers satisfied with Toyota brand!

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